Fullstack Software Engineer
Fiora De Marco

Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the World!

My experience

October 2022 - Currently Enrolled
Fullstack Academy
Dec 2021 — April 2022
Restaurant Manager
January 2016 — March 2021
GitTogether : Live Application
Coding Collaboration Platform

GitTogether is a social platform, integrated with GitHub, where software developers can look for projects to collaborate on, and look for fellow software developers to collaborate on projects with. GitTogether uses supabase for its database, Oktokit to incorporate GitHub, React, and Heroku for deployment.

Fruit Mastermind: Live Application

Fruit Mastermind is a mastermind game that can be played against the computer. In this game, the user tries to guess a combination of fruit. At the end of each attempt to guess the 4 fruit comination, the computer will provide feedback whether the player had guessed any of the fruit correctly, and if the correct fruit was guessed at the correct index. A player must get the comination right within 10 attempts to win the game!
Fruit Mastermind was built using React, Material UI, Node, React-dnd, Toastify, and Netlify for deployment.

Soundathon : Live Application
Single Page Application

Soundaathon is a single page application which allows users to seek music events in their local area. It is a platform for local underground artists to provide information on where they will be performing, and for local music venues to promote events to their patrons.
Soundathon was built using leaflet, React, React-leaflet, and Netlify for deployment.

Project 4
Graphic Design

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