
Coding Collaboration site
Project Overview
GitTogether is a social platform, integrated with GitHub, where software developers can look for projects to collaborate on, and look for fellow software developers to collaborate on projects with. GitTogether uses supabase for its database, Oktokit to incorporate GitHub, React, and Heroku for deployment.

Visit the live app here!
My Contributions
This project was a group effort, but the specific parts I contributed were the single project view, the add project to feed, setting up the database in supabase, assisting with chatroom features such as, the direct message and group message features, and assisting in making calls for data to various components of the app.
Another, more minor, contribution I had was adding a star rating to the profile view component which gave each user a star for each project they are involved in.

The add project to feed allows users to share their project ideas, or projects they have started and want collaborators to join on. Users can add the name and description of the project, the language with which it uses, it's category, and whether or not it's beginner friendly. If there isn't a repository for the project on GitHub already, GitTogether will make one after the project is added to the feed and the user clicks the create repository button.

From the project feed, the user can navigate to any project by clicking on it's name and it will redirect them to the single project view, like below.

This single project view offers users a way of interacting with each other before deciding to request to collaborate on the project.