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               FIORA DE MARCO

                                                               Software Engineer ||  New York, NY

   P: (718) 902 - 3473 | E: G: |

●  Proficient: Node, Javascript, React, Redux, Git, Express, HTML, CSS, PostgresQL, Fullstack development, AutoCad, Sequelize, Fullstack development
●  Knowledgeable: Leaflet, Rhinoceros, AWS
Capstone Project: GitTogether |
Software Developer | Coding Collaboration Platform
●  RESTful Application built with React and Supabase that allows users to seek peers to work on projects with and to seek projects to work on with fellow software developers in a social environment linked with Github
●  Manipulated UI using React-Redux and React hooks
●  Incorporated chatting and posting capabilities though a supabase, postgres database and nested components  in React
● Tech stack: Supabase, Ockokit, React-Redux, Heroku for deployment

Soundathon | Sole Developer | | Single Page Application
●App allows users to view music events in their local area based on their location
●App displays venues which are within a 10 mile radius, and further
●Tech stack: Leaflet, React, React-leaflet, Heroku for deployment
Yarn Inc (Grace-Shopper) | Group project | |
E-Commerce Platform
●  RESTful e-commerce app built with React, Express and Sequelize
●  Developed a persistent shopping cart utilizing Postico to store data
Fullstack Academy,
New York, NY
Certificate in Software Engineering
17-Week Full Stack JavaScript web Development Immersive
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY
The Bronx High School of Science
Advanced Regents Diploma

Friday's - Manager Albany, NY
12/2021 - 04/202206/2008 - 06/2011 09/2004 - 06/200801/2015 - 04/2021
●  Supervised 20 employees each day
●  Supervised and assisted in the training of over two dozen employees a year
●  Assisted in building a solid team of focused individuals
●  Ensured that the team was up to par with food safety standards and assisted in passing each EcoSure audit and health inspection
Nelligan White Architects - Intern
New York, NY
06/2008 - 04/2010

INTERESTS: Baseball/Softball, Ballet, Music |